Friday, August 24, 2012

Choose Peace: Community Celebration and Information Fair

Manhood Camp, a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and support young men as they journey into manhood, is hosting the 1st annual Choose Peace Community Celebration and Information Fair!

This community service event is aimed at promoting peace and non-violence, while providing the community with information and resources, live entertainment (music, poetry, etc.), and special activities for kids.

Date: Saturday, August 26th, 2012
Time: 1:00PM – 6:00PM
Location: 43rdand Degnan Los Angeles California 90008

If you're going to be in the Los Angeles area on Sunday, I encourage you to come out and lend your support.  You're guaranteed to walk away with something good!  Click here for more information.

If you can't make it, you can support the cause by re-tweeting the following message:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stacey, I lived in LA from 92-97! Manhood Camp sounds wonderful, anything to help young men. Visiting from my blog, cafe mocha reflections.


Won't you be a dear and leave a comment so that I know you stopped by, thanks!

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