Thursday, September 11, 2014

How to Teach Your Children about the Dangers of Drugs

Teaching your children about the dangers of drug use can be a sensitive subject. A parent who approaches the topic too aggressively could unintentionally make a child more determined to rebel and get caught up in bad crowd. If a parent avoids initiating a conversation about the subject, however, children will learn about such topics from other, less-reliable sources. Experts at Morningside Recovery Center in Newport Beach, CA have seen it all. Here are just a few of their tips for broaching the subject casually and engaging your child in a productive discussion about the dangers of drugs.

Bring up The Topic During Television Shows

With many modern television shows candidly discussing drugs, parents have an easy way into a conversation on the topic. Parents can start sitting in on television sessions with their children to get an idea of the types of shows they like to watch. If their television lineup consists of police cars and drug lords, concerned parents can easily open dialogue about drug usage. Other parents may opt to restrict what their children watch on television. Regardless, television – or other forms of pop culture - can provide an excellent jumping off point to open up the topic more fully.

Have a Mentor or Spiritual Advisor Visit Regularly

Having support from religious mentors such as Rabbis, Pastors, and Reverends can help keep children away from drugs. A respectable spiritual figure can sometimes explain the dangers of drugs in a calm, graceful, and non-threatening fashion. Sometimes, children are more receptive to hearing this information from an outsider compared to hearing a “lecture” from mom and dad. 

Meet Any New Friends and Acquaintances

Parents who are concerned that their children may become involved with drugs should monitor their children’s acquaintances closely. They should invite new friends and acquaintances over for dinner, especially if their children are exhibiting odd behaviors after they spend time with such people. Young people who are involved in drugs often show tell-tale signs. Some signs of drug use include ignoring curfew, coming home with red eyes, appearing disoriented, being disrespectful to one or both parents, and sleeping long hours. Of course, in many cases, these are just examples of teenagers being teenagers. But it’s important to be aware and take note of any major shifts in behavior – especially as new friends come into the picture. 

High school children often introduce each other to drugs. Therefore, parents must be assertive about the friends that come to see their children. In the worst cases, parents can forbid their children from hanging out with troublesome friends until their parents show up for a discussion.

Even when parents take all the preventative measures possible, it’s still possible that their kids will experiment with drugs at some point in their lives. The therapists at Morningside Recovery have met with recovering addicts from all different backgrounds. Sometimes parents can prevent drug usage, and sometimes they can’t. Do what you can to stay active and involved in your children’s lives to spot a problem before it’s too late. 

**This is a sponsored guest post.**

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